Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Blog vs. Wiki

Blog and Wiki are two different social mass media web based software that people commonly use for sharing gathered information and managed collective knowledge with a group of people. 
But these two social media tools are different in use. Individuals, with sharing their own life experience and stories, are using Blogs very commonly. Companies or groups of people with more educational purposes to contribute with a set of collective goals more often use Wikipedia.  Both tools are easy to use by the users.  Wikipedia are also helps other users to find information through those contributions. However, because of the ease of creating new materials, there are criticize toward imprecisely contributed information (Cohen).  On the other hand, Blogs could be very educational and collaboration with others. Some blogs are held by organizations or professional expertise, and what those blogs share more precisely information on the web. Some of blogs are open only to who registered within specific areas of users; unlike Wiki most users could access information that post on the Wiki. Additionally, reader of Blogs can put their commons followed the blog if the owner of blogs allow to; but for the Wiki is only open commons to the group of people who can contribute to the set of goals.  Blog holders are one or several and it is unlike Wiki contributors who can be as many as a whole company. And the more users of Wiki would create hardship to organize created information by contributors that is the issue Diplopedia currently facing.
Wikipeida Foundation is a nonprofit organization, and what would make Wiki to survive and growth? Wiki has Wikipedians all over the world and this is the greatest source. On July of 2009, Wiki had spent $600,000 to create a five-year strategic plan. By now on year 2015, I found not much changes to the appearance of the Web but there is donation by Wikipedians who wish to spend the money to those information.  Personally, I think Wiki should have done some changes alone with today’s newer technologies, such as “Wikimedia”, not only words and pictures, but also come together with videos and voice messages contributions that would make “Wikimedia” contains more visual information and easy to read and understand.

Cohen, Noam. "An Internal Wiki That’s Not Classified." The New York Times. The New York Times, 03 Aug. 2008. Web. 17 June 2015.

Cohen, Noam. "Wikipedia Looks Hard at Its Culture." The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Aug. 2009. Web. 17 June 2015.


  1. These are some great facts about Wikipedia Foundation. I didn't know that it was a nonprofit. Wikimedia has a nice ring to it and a great concept!

  2. It was. They was raising fund just by donations.
